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Access all the information, webinars, infographics and classes on Women's Wellbeing.

Webinars on Women

Women, menopause and health 40+: 7 keys to wellbeing

Women and nutrition: improving your health at all stages of life

  • In this session we review the physical and emotional changes in women from the age of 40 onwards and how the process of transition to menopause, menopause and post-menopause impacts on the health of an increasingly larger segment of the population pyramid. We review the keys to these processes in the business environment and provide the 7 keys that determine the emotional and physical wellbeing of women in this broad and diverse phase.

  • Session focusing on women's health through understanding and listening to the body as well as adapting nutrition to the different moments of a woman's life. We will look at how to take care of ourselves, understanding our life cycles (menstrual, fertility, maternity, breastfeeding and menopause), and how we can especially benefit from small changes that help us in each phase.


Prevention and Health

Infographic on Osteoporosis prevention

Infographic on Breast cancer prevention

Prevention of osteoporosis through habits such as diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
(click on the image to view)

Prevention against breast cancer. Incorporate self-examination routines that facilitate early detection.
(click on the image to view)


Classes for women's health

Strength Training - Women's Cycle + Menopause

Hypopressives - 14/03

Hypopressives - 07/03

  • Theoretical-practical class designed especially for women, where we explore how to adapt strength training and the type of physical work in general, to the different phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as during perimenopause and menopause.

    Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your body and mind in tune with your natural cycle

  • We present the second session of Hipopresivos.

    Don't miss it!

  • Hypopressive exercises are very beneficial for women, especially for post-partum recovery and during the menopausal phase, as regular practice can help prevent problems caused by pelvic floor weakness. Don't miss out!


Women and emotional well-being


Learn about the various options to support, sustain and accompany women through the different stages of their lives, focusing on some situations that can affect them in a special way.