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Physical Wellbeing

Get active every day in this online space. All the live classes of the month are one click away in this library so you can work out at your convenience.

Webinars Physical Wellbeing


Cardiovascular Health: Protect Your Heart for a Healthier Tomorrow


Tuesday, September 17th at 13:00

  • World Heart Day is a reminder of how important it is to look after your cardiovascular health.

    In this webinar, we'll explore common heart risks and conditions, from high cholesterol to hypertension, and help you understand the key risk factors. You’ll discover how small, everyday changes—like eating well, staying active, managing stress, and getting enough sleep—can make a big difference to your heart health. We'll also highlight the importance of prevention and early detection to keep your heart in great shape.

    Register here


Balanced Skin: Attune to Your Skin and Provide the Care It Craves


Healthy Habits

  • Listen to your skin and care for it as needed. Discover your skin type and create a personalized routine for a healthy, radiant look. Explore environmental factors, sun protection, hygiene, hydration, natural ingredients, and more.

  • This session will guide you through the steps to creating new habits, based on how the mind works and with clear steps to follow.


Different Classes every week!

Discover the new class formats!

Every week enjoy the Pilates, Yoga & Meditation and Fitness classes.

(Hover mouse over images for more information)


Pilates classes to find the perfect balance between strength, flexibility and mobility as well as enhance breathing control, and improve posture.

Sessions aimed at joint mobility, stretching and joint health. The mobility work in Pilates benefits the increase of the range of movement, improving motor skills and preventing muscle groups ailments

Sessions that focus on the activation, mobilisation and strengthening of the core (lumbar and abdominal girdle). This work improves the support and protection capacity that this muscular region exerts on the spinal column

Activation, mobilisation and re-programming sessions for shoulders, scapulae and upper back. Through toning and mobilisation exercises we improve posture, joint mobility and prevent muscle groups that cause pain in this area

Sessions focusing on mobility, activation and re-programming of the lower back and pelvis. Through different exercises, we bring tone to the muscular structure that is anchored in the pelvis, thus helping to support and protect the spine



Combination of classes to get in shape and stay healthy combining different physical capabilities. Boost the functionality of the whole body and improve your strength, muscle tone, agility and cardiovascular health.

Sesión funcional para el desarrollo de la fuerza, movilidad y tono muscular. Ejercicios globales y funcionales, que activan varios grupos musculares a la vez, favoreciendo la capacidad de la fuerza, la eficacia motora, y el tono muscular y la coordinación. Entrenamiento con el propio peso corporal o con material básico.

A discipline that mixes fitness and dance in a single concept, where we work with the body to connect, dance and enhance physical fitness, in an easy and accessible way. The choreographies are progressive and always directed by a technician who combines music of different rhythms to create a routine of more intense or slower intervals.

Fit Boxing is an excellent fitness exercise that combines endurance training, muscular strength, balance, coordination and agility. An amazing mix of Boxing and martial arts techniques such as kick-boxing, karate, kungfu, tai chi or taekwondo and synchronised to music.

Session focused on aerobic capacity and muscle toning through the combination of different training systems. Thanks to the increase in the number of repetitions and execution time, the aerobic requirement is favoured, improving cardiovascular and muscular capacity. It enhances the work by intensity intervals.

Muscle toning and strength training, which specifically works the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and legs. Through exercises performed with your own weight and functional material (from home), the core of your body is strengthened and toned.

Hypopressive training strengthens the pelvic floor, the muscles of the lower back and all the muscles of the abdominal girdle. They are based on a series of breathing techniques performed in different postures.

Ballet Fit combines classical dance technique with fitness. It works on strength, coordination, toning, balance and flexibility by involving the whole body in cardiovascular exercises to the rhythm of the music.


Yoga & Meditation

Combination of classes to help you feel better in body and mind. Improve your flexibility and strength and learn easy stress management tools for your daily life.

Sessions with a gentle and flowing approach through floor sequences with special focus on neck, shoulders and back. We focus on the fluid connection of breath and slow movements

Static and calm sessions, aimed at stretching all muscle groups. The flexibility and free movement of the muscle is encouraged as well as the elasticity of the soft tissues, improving the body's functionality and posture.

Sessions with an active and fluid approach through mainly standing sequences focusing on hip and leg work. Fluidity, balance, strength and flexibility are also encouraged.

Practical sessions focused on improving focused attention through guided meditation techniques, visualisations and breathing techniques. We manage to reduce stress and improve emotional management, resilience and learning to focus on the present moment.


Video Library

Looking for a specific type of class?

Click on the class type or level label according to your interests to view the options available in the repository.

Take a break to look after your Physical Wellbeing


Benefits of Active Breaks

Voice Health

Visual Health

On sedentary days, compensate with active breaks that include mobility, postural alignment and strength.

Increase awareness of the proper use of your voice to enhance health through daily guidelines and practical exercises.

Take care of your eye’s health in this session in which we will provide daily guidelines that are easily integrated into your day.


Active Break

Disconnect and Relax

Gym at Home

Learn the best ways to introduce active breaks throughout the day.

Take a moment to disconnect and relax

Find simple exercises to stay fit and active from home. No need to go to the gym with this complete workout.


Prevention from Home

Download your guide to boost your wellbeing from home