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Physical Wellbeing

Access here the latest classes of the week. If you weren't able to attend a live session, take care of yourself whenever it suits you.

Latest classes:


Shoulders, upper back - 09/09

Yoga & Meditation

Meditation and breathing - 09/09


Cardio fit - 09/09

Access also our Webinars on Physical Wellbeing, tools for your daily wellbeing and much more.

Emotional Wellbeing

Access the Employee Assistance Program, emotional wellbeing Webinars, Neuroscience and much more. Watch as many times as you want at your convenience.


Sign up to participate in the available quarterly Webinars and learn how to eat healthier.

Financial Wellbeing

Find here tools to boost your finances and access to webinars on Financial Wellbeing.

Prevention from home

Access numerous tips to prevent, take care of your health and reduce risks while working from home


Access all the information, webinars, infographics and classes on Women's Wellbeing.

Wellness Week

Access Wellness Week materials that will help you easily add healthy habits to your life