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Emotional Wellbeing

Access different resources to calm your mind and positively manage your emotions.

Manage your emotions with the help of neuroscience


The secrets of neuroscience for better living
with Ana Ibáñez

  • Our brain is responsible for creating our fears, thoughts, emotions, and passions. However, it does not always function optimally. The good news is that we can help it to improve. This workshop will teach us how to understand our mind better, live healthier, and be more productive. Most importantly, we will learn how to appreciate life and unlock our full potential.

    Join Neuroscience Expert Ana Ibáñez and discover practical techniques for creating positive changes in our brains and lives. This exciting journey will equip us with the tools we need to share our newfound knowledge with others.



Positive Energy

Calming the Mind

How to Improve Your Mood


Mindfulness in your daily life


Activation and calmness
through the body

The Power of the Breath
for your well-being

Harnessing Awareness to connect with the present moment

  • Explore the mechanics of your Nervous System and learn to bolster self-regulation through body connection. Acquire practical tools for seamless integration into your daily routine.

  • Explore the mechanics of your Nervous System and learn to bolster self-regulation through body connection. Acquire practical tools for seamless integration into your daily routine.

  • Explore the mechanics of your Nervous System and learn to bolster self-regulation through body connection. Acquire practical tools for seamless integration into your daily routine.


Mindfulness Course

Mindfulness helps us improve attention and reduce stress. In this 4-session course, you will better understand the mechanisms of the mind and learn to apply meditation , visualisations and relaxation techniques to enhance mindfulness and mental wellbeing. Discover the benefits of Mindfulness with this course.

Introduction to Mindfulness

(click on the image to play the video)

Stress and Breathing

Focus and Perception




Webinars on Emotional Wellbeing


Order and Organization at Home for Emotional Regulation

Sleep Hygiene

Parenting - Equiped to Grow

Positive Attitude and Intelligent Optimism

  • The order in our home can help our emotional balance. Discover different techniques and practical examples to promote order and organisation at home.

  • Discover the importance of rest and healthy sleep for your overall wellbeing.

  • Accompanying your children on their way to becoming independent, empathetic adults with the tools to face the world. This path to independence is a lifelong journey. It is essential that as parents and family we accompany our children in their transition, trying to equip them with symbolic tools that allow them to establish healthy emotional relationships and face the inevitable conflicts with sufficient resources. What can we do as parents to contribute adequately in this complex process?n text goes here

  • What are the practical keys to becoming an intelligent optimist? In this session we focus on enhancing an attitude towards life that helps us to approach our issues, projects and everyday situations in a positive way. We will recognise negative feelings such as anxiety, fear, irritability, etc. and we will focus on the positive attitude to manage changes and complex situations as a trait that is part of our emotional intelligence and we will try to train it to help us live these complex situations for us with serenity.


Employee Assistance Program

Psychological support and counselling

Access our counselling services here. Contact an advisor or a professional psychologist to support you in those situations when you need it.