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Wellness Month

 Wellness Month 2024

Welcome to our Wellness Month 2024. This year, you'll have access to a mix of workshops and individual sessions throughout May.


Our Webinar Programme for Your Wellbeing

Nutritional Supplementation: Trend or Science?

Emotional Wellbeing: The Power of Words

Enhance your knowledge about dietary supplements to make the most of those that can truly benefit your diet in a safe and effective way.

  • During this workshop, we'll learn clear guidelines on how to incorporate supplements into our diets by analysing how much is based on scientific evidence versus trend among the well-known ones while identifying those that can positively impact your wellbeing as part of a healthy lifestyle.

    In this webinar:

    • We'll discuss why supplements are important and how they can enhance our wellbeing.

    • We'll review some key risks and benefits of supplements to consider.

    • We'll go over factors to consider when choosing a supplement.

    • We'll delve deeper into some of the most popular supplements backed by substantial scientific evidence: Vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Iron, Pre-probiotics, and Vitamin B.

    • We'll analyse what's based on science and what's merely fashionable in today's popular supplements: Vitamin C, Turmeric, Ashwagandha, CBD, and Melatonin.

Choosing our words we can all contribute to caring for the emotional well-being of those around us, especially in situations of high emotional stress such as illnesses or losses

  • In this webinar, we will explore how our thoughts impact our words and learn some strategies and practical examples of communication in challenging high-emotional-load situations (such as illnesses or losses) to foster mutual growth based on emotional care. Specifically, during the workshop, we will cover aspects such as:

    • The impact of words in high emotional load situations.

    • We will discuss the influence of our emotions and internal dialogue on our interactions and comments.

    • We will review some guidelines to improve interpersonal communication in complex emotional situations, such as physical or mental illnesses, deaths, etc.

    • We will mention some actions that can accompany our words to have a greater positive impact on our environment


Financial Journey Mindset: Saving and Investing for Life's Adventure

Healthy Back: Solutions and Prevention

In this workshop, we'll start by developing a proactive mindset towards money, then move on to implementing tailored savings and investment strategies that align with every stage of your life

  • During the webinar, we'll cover:

    • Fundamental principles of financial literacy.

    • The crucial role of financial communication in family settings.

    • Practical tips for effective saving and investment strategies throughout life's various phases

In this workshop, we'll delve into essential strategies for keeping a healthy back, exploring effective ways to prevent and relieve back pain, a prevalent health concern

  • In the 'Healthy Back' workshop, we'll learn how to care for a part of our body that often goes neglected, yet frequently causes common medical complaints.

    During the workshop:

    • We'll start with a review of the basic anatomy of our back.

    • We'll discuss the main factors that contribute to back pain, such as sedentary lifestyles, lack of movement, or unbalanced physical activity, addressing one of the most common questions: 'Why does my back hurt?'

    • We'll learn key actions that can help prevent back pain.

    • We'll explore healthy habits to strengthen muscles and enhance muscle recovery during rest periods