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Access quarterly Webinars, articles and news about healthy nutrition.

Webinars on Nutrition


Mastering the Science of Labels and Smart Shopping

Conversations with Beatriz Larrea:
Quench the Fires of Your Health

Nutrition Trending Topics:
Revealing all the answers

  • During this session, you'll dive into the realm of nutritional labels in a clear and engaging manner. You'll uncover essential insights, industry pitfalls, and critical factors to consider when assessing the products that land in your shopping cart, empowering you to make informed decisions, racticing with real examples from your shopping list.

  • Join Beatriz Larrea, a renowned holistic nutritionist and health consultant with extensive experience in research and training in healthy nutrition, functional health, sports nutrition, dietetics, and plant-based eating.

    In this enlightening session, we'll explore:

    • Why inflammation is the backbone of aging and a key risk factor for most of today's diseases.

    • How 90% of our biological aging is shaped by our choices.

    • Stress as the igniting force behind inflammation, speeding up the aging process.

    • Firefighters for our microbiota: uncovering the crucial battles for our health happening within.

    • The profound impact of sleep on all pillars of health, including the significance of hormonal patterns and circadian rhythms.

    • Lifestyle habits that can activate the genes of vitality.

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to take control of your health and wellbeing for a vibrant tomorrow!

  • Find out the answer to these trending topics: Microbiota, why is everyone talking about it; Is intermittent fasting positive; What is the healthiest breakfast; Why is glucose so important; "Light" or "0%" foods; Are fats healthy?


Healthy Fast Food

The science behind Grandma's remedies

Microbiome, more than just gut-health!

  • Here are some of the most interesting healthy fast food recipes, healthy and tasty food at the same time.

  • Analysis of grandmother's remedies, which have been used for a long time, to alleviate certain symptoms.

  • The main functions of the intestinal microbiota are to prevent pathogenic microorganisms, to help digest food, to produce vitamins, as well as to stimulate the immune system.


Emotional Eating

ABCs for a Healthy Nutrition

Batch Cooking

  • Emotional eating occurs when we eat to relieve stress or unpleasant emotions, rather than eating to satisfy a physical hunger.

  • A healthy diet is one that provides each individual with all the food necessary to meet his or her nutritional needs.

    Find out more!

  • Batch cooking saves time, money and energy. It also allows you to eat healthy and homemade every day without having to improvise at the last minute.


Healthy Halloween


Healthy Christmas Recipes

  • Healthy and scary Halloween recipes, perfect for everyone to enjoy at home.

  • How to create original and healthy dishes for your Christmas table.


Ask your expert

You can ask us general questions about nutrition. For personal cases and especially with pathology, we recommend you to ask your doctor or personal nutritionist.